Soup Kitchen

[Original post: June2016, updated 2018, Jan2020, Nov2020, Aug2023].

5th August 2023 — Post-Covid-19, our congregation’s monthly activity at the Soup Kitchen at Montbrilliant has returned to its traditional form: the preparation, ‘sur place’, of a hearty meal (salad, bread, main course, fruit) serving over 200 people.

Fellowship is found in the kitchen, with Corin leading a cheerful troop of ESC volunteers chopping and cooking, and then in the dining area, when lunch is being served. In our own, small way, we seek to follow Jesus, when he said that no hungry person should be sent away (Matthew 14:17-18-21).

To serve this Ministry is a true privilege. And we talked, laughed and sang while we worked!

[update by Maarten Wilbers]

Covid-19 — change of approach

Covid-19 obliges a change of process for the “soup” kitchen, as no hot meals can be prepared, nor served inside. So now sandwiches are the replacement, made by volunteers at home, and brought to the Montbrillant Center. Each volunteer is asked to make 20 sandwiches along with accompanying drinks and deserts. Corin is the coordinator for the elcg with a rotation of neighborhood groups.

[Photos: Elisabeth Benn]

This congregation serves at the Montbrillant “soup kitchen” one Saturday per month.(Other volunteer groups take the other Saturdays, while a more permanent staff handles weekdays)

Valérie Marinoni has been leading this effort for a very long time and has now handed over coordination to the neighborhood groups to continue this very important social contribution – serving a healthy meal to often more than 200 people. Those people are not all homeless in the true sense of the word, but welcome a hot meal, a place to be, and a warm welcome.

The overall organizer of the soup kitchen is Carrefour-Rue, an independent social action group. Below is a letter of appreciation from them for the work of this congregation in 2019. A big thanks to all who have contributed to this effort  ( PDF ).

Carrefour-Rue remerciements